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Honey bee

1. The honey bee is the most widespread species of bee in our region. He has lived on earth for more than 80 million years.

2. The bee flutters its wings really fast. In one second, it flutters its wings 180 times. That’s 11,400 oscillations per minute.

3. The bees work from about four in the morning until five in the afternoon.

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4. The finding of archaeologists in Egypt proves that honey is a food with unlimited shelf life. They found thousands of years old honey that was edible.

5. If you steal the queen from the hive, the whole hive will know about it within fifteen minutes.

6. The bee has collected about nine grams of honey in its entire life. That’s half a teaspoon.

7. After pollination, the flowers lose their scent. One apple blossom contains about 100,000 pollen grains and one hazel lamb has 6 million pollen grains.

8. The queen is the only female in the hive who has developed genitals.

9. The trusts are intended to fertilize the female. If they do not die on their own after fertilization, worker bees drive them out of the hive at the end of the season.

10. When the queen’s original home is about to take over the new one, the bees sit on the nearest branch and wait. Then they look for another suitable home. This can take several days.

11. When swarming, bees can look dangerous, but they do not sting.

12. Bees communicate by touches of tentacles, bee dancing, the smell of several types of pheromones and sounds.

13. If you attack a bee hive in Slovakia, a little over 30 bees will start after you. For African killer bees, however, 10,000 stings would immediately start chasing you.

14. During its life, a bee goes through various professions. These include a babysitter, a nectar processor, a janitor, a honeycomb builder, a hive keeper and a flier who brings pollen and nectar to the hive.

15. Bee life lasts about 35 days. The biggest enemy of bees is the hornet. If he doesn’t have enough food, he attacks them.

16. Bees never sleep, but they sometimes get used to resting in an empty honeycomb wax cell.

17. Weather affects the mood of bees. For example, they work best in the morning.

18. The queen mates with six to ten streams. With the sperm stored in the seminal vesicle, it is enough to lay fertilized eggs for several years.

19. Australian scientist Adrian Dyer found that bees can recognize human faces.

20. To produce one cup of honey, the bees must fly a distance that is about as long as if you wanted to go around the Earth three times.

21. Due to their ability to pollinate crops, the bee is the third most useful livestock in Europe.

22. At the peak of the season, 50 to 60 thousand individuals live in the hive.

23. 6000 to 10 000 bees work on one kilogram of honey.

24. Bees can orient themselves well in the sun, even when it is outside under a cloud. They can reliably find a source of nectar and pollen up to a distance of five kilometers.

25. On the tentacles, bees have receptors for touch, smell, perception of humidity and temperature.

26. If a bee stings you, you have to leave the place. Other bees feel sting and therefore could pounce on you as well.

27. When removing the sting, be careful not to squeeze the poisonous sac to bring the poison into the body. Try scraping it with a knife or nail.

28. Bees are sensitive to the purity of nature in their surroundings. One inappropriate chemical treatment of agricultural crops or fruit stands during their flowering period is enough and the bee colonies die enormously from poisoning by toxic pesticides.